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Showing posts from June, 2016

Ask God Now

This thought hit me so hard that I just can't ignore it and start to write again in this blog. You know what, think of the time when you were in trouble. Think of the time when you were sick. Think of the time when nothing went fine. Think of the time when your chest felt as if it would burst any second at any time. And remember how many times you called God to fix the thing for you. Remember how many times you asked God to make the way easy for you. Remember the time you asked God to lend you the strength to walk through the rough and cold season. And how many times did God answer your call? Every time! Each and every time! Some in ways that you can see it with your naked eye and some in ways that you could only understand if you have patience hold inside your soul. See, we are the living proof that God answers every prayer. But there will come a time when our call, our prayers will be ignored. And that's when we know everything is too late. When is that? When we alre...