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Hello 2015

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I am giving a thought to close this blog from everyone, should I? Anyway, another year has gone. I wonder what am I all about after living through those years. And yesterday I witnessed the day where I've been long to avoid it. But that's what it so-called : Kalau dah jodoh ( baca: takdir ) tak kemana.

Lol. Now everyone knows how much I've grown up. Thanks Nan. And please Led, change back the group icon. I guess I must find a way to escape from it ( the past ) since they always haunting me day by day. I know that they are not that scary, instead they are beautiful experiences that I value most. 

I don't know what am I afraid of. That's the biggest problem. You can't find the root yet you still wandering around wondering why you are so lost. Though, I've started the first day of the new year thankfully as Allah has given me the opportunity to meet my old friend which as a result I have decided not to hide behind the wall anymore.

Dear You, ahead of the path that you take from now on, whether it may be light or darkness, I hope you don't close your eyes. You don't have to hide or run away. All you have to do is open your eyes and have faith. Carve a better life than mine.


  1. Noooo!!!!! Teruskan larian jejari atas papan kekunci anda :'(

  2. jangaaaaaannn!!!


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