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Showing posts from 2017

Melihat Hidup

Bila aku bangun pagi tadi dan buka Whatsapp Group, ada orang hantar gambar waktu Form 5. Bila aku download gambar tu, rupanya gambar aku tengah makan. Tapi muka suci habis. Sumpah! Aku pun berani cakap otak lagi suci waktu tu. Bila aku tengok tarikh gambar diambil, 08.02.2012, tapi kalau tak silap aku tu gambar waktu Ramadhan, tengah sahur. Cepat betul masa berlalu. Sudah hampir 5 Tahun sejak kami meninggalkan bangku sekolah. Aku ingatkan, aku tak banyak berubah. Tapi bila fikirkan balik, macam mana aku boleh cakap aku adalah orang yang sama dengan aku waktu bangku sekolah. Bahkan, aku yang tahun lepas bukan aku yang sekarang. Mungkin kerana akar prinsip hidup aku untuk menjadi lebih baik daripada yang lain membentuk siapa aku yang sekarang. Aku akui kadang-kadang disebabkan prinsip yang ini membuat aku benci diri aku sekarang. Yelah, ada masa bila kita dikhianati atau dipergunakan atau menjadi korban fitnah, datang rasa untuk membalas atau berdendam. Tapi disebabkan aku telah pah...

Ramble 1

Am I really going to revive this blog? I think the introvert part in me hit me really hard but I didn't even notice about it till today. I thought the main reason why I abandoned this blog because I have nothing more to say and share since I didn't read much as much as I did when I was still capable to put my obsession in books. But eventually, I come to realize that I actually don't want the readers to get to know me better through my writing. I don't want them to know how I feel, or what I've done and how my brain works. And I just realized that whenever something happened but I took the hard way to accept it, my introvert will dominate my life. I'm saying this because this was the second time I cut all the nearby connections I have just like I did when I finished my school back then. Well, at least there would always be somebody that I couldn't kick out of my life no matter what judgement or reason I give to convince me myself. I'm a kind...