how you would like it to be..
that is how it will be,,
how could you know..
that everything gonna be alright,,
how would you felt??
would you mind,,
b'coz nobody asks to be born,,
hey my friends!!..
time is different there..
there is no time for us..
to look into the past..
time stands still,,
for ever and ever..
nobody will know..
nobody will sure..
about their future,,
we will all find..
whatever we want to find..
and be just as we want to be..
in the meantime,,
we must be patient..
and courteous to all..
no need to turn back..
no need to be upset..
no need to regret..
just keep climbing,,
keep walking,,
keep believing,,
you can reach for..
" The STARS "
sy dedikasikn khas utk pjuang2 pmr SMID 2010"
kita ada matlamat yang harus dipenuhi..
semuanya tergalas di bahu kita bersama..
never give up!!
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