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Projek Ramadhan 2018

Aku tulis dan kemas kini status Whatsapp pada Ramadhan yang lepas. Aku abadikan di sini sebagai peringatan.

Night 20
Almighty, on this blessed night, remind us that Your Mercy is always greater than Your Wrath. That even if we come to you with sins reaching the clouds asking for forgiveness, You would still forgive us.

Night 21
Almighty, on this blessed night, we ask You to mend what is broken and replace what has gone. Remove what is not beloved to You and heal our soul. Strengthen what is weak, enlighten what is dark, revive whatever good that has died in between.

Night 22
Almighty, on this blessed night, bless us with a heart that keeps remembering You days and nights, a tounge that keeps reading Quran busy or not, eyes that can see good in every bad, and ears that listen more than the mouth speaks.

Night 23
Almighty, on this blessed night, don't make us one of those who love this Dunya more than Akhirah. Make us one of those who trade his wealth, his time, his energy and his life for Akhirah. And place us among those who do good and seek good in this life.

Night 24
Almighty, on this blessed night, let our death only reach us when You have forgiven us and when You are pleased with us. Let us live with Iman and die upon Iman. And make the day when we meet You the happiest day for us. 

Night 25
Almighty, on this blessed night, beautify our speech and make us not among those who speaks ill. Remove all arrogance and place light in our hearts. Increase us in knowledge but keep us humble.

Night 26
Almighty, on this blessed night, help those who are in need and lost, those who are depressed and oppressed, those who are silent and cannot express their pain, those who are tired with torment and need a break, those who are overwhelmed with sadness and grief, those who struggle to make ends meet.

Night 27
Almighty, on this blessed night, forgive us and our parents. Have mercy on them as they brought us up when we were little. Offer them Your protection and keep them happy and healthy all the time. Build for them a house in Your paradise. We bear witness they have been good to us more than anyone else in this world.

Night 28
Almighty, on this blessed night, forgive all our sins, great and small, the first and the last, and whatever that comes in between, those that are apparent, and those that are hidden, for what we know and what we don't

You are The Most Forgiving
and You love to forgive.
So, forgive us.


Tamat sudah Projek Ramadhan 2018
Semoga semua beroleh manfaat

doa itu senjata orang beriman
dan nasihat itu hikmah yang hilang

Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir Batin


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