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We're Never Alone

“I’ve been choosing the wrong path. I know I walked the wrong path. The path that I should’ve avoided because I know that this is not where I should’ve been.”

“That’s not the point now. I mean it’s more than pointless talking about it. You should rather take the U-Turn now instead of blabbering. You know what, it’s good that you regret now because you still have time”

“Yes, we’ve been talking about this for ages. I know. People might think you’re such a bad friend when they heard our conservation because you didn’t even let me finish what I want to say”

And they smiled.

“But you know me better than anyone. I don’t need to talk and be honest when you know all I need is some push. You know what, I never thank you enough for all the things you’ve done. Well, I might not look like I appreciate it, but I am sure one day I will be thankful that I’ve got a friend like you.”

“Well, what’s so sudden?”

“Thank you for being there behind me, acting like a superhero and always watch my back, show me the light and save me from that hole. I never thought that I could, one day, escape that thing, you know. Well, you might think that I didn’t know what’ve you done for me but I know.”

“Seriously, where’s this conversation going?”

“What I really want to say is, stop walking behind me, stop shielding me, stop covering up for me and what’s most important is, stop pretending. Stop pretending like you didn’t hurt at all.”

“Now, this is total rubbish.”

“See, that’s what I totally mean. Stop acting tough and take off the mask. You might be the one that understands me but I might be the only one that can see the true you. You know why? You really want me to say this, didn’t you?”

Both of them unintentionally opened up their mouth at the same time.
“Because you’re just like me.”
And they looked at each other and laughed.

“I didn’t found you, you know. I happened to be here as well and I somehow managed to survive. After all, I knew I took the wrong path. I rebelled to God when He tested me but Alhamdulillah I was never alone like I thought.”

“What did you mean?”

“We are never alone. It’s just we, who shoved away people from our lives. We feared we might hurt again when we’ve connections. That’s why we cut off the connection and felt like we were alone. Funny right, how we see the world when we’re the ones who actually decide to be alone.”

“Then, what about the others? They did leave!”

“They just don’t leave. They gave up. They gave up when they got tired of banging the door you closed. They believed they’ve lost you. And the one who stayed is the one who really never lost his faith in you, they followed you no matter what, trying to reach you even you keep hurting them.”

“I wish you were lying right now. I wish you were joking. But you speak the truth. And it’s hurt.”

“So, who’s to blame? None other than ourselves. But you know, blaming yourself won’t bring you anywhere good. All we need is a fresh start. In life, people will come and go. But there are always some people who will really stay. You might not notice them because they’re so far far away from our eyes. But they did plead to God to protect you, to show you the right path and ease your burden.”

“So it’s really not about who stays or who leave. What did matters are we are never alone, right?”

“Yeap, we know only a little. After all, even it’s true that everyone did abandon you, you will always have Allah. And when you have Allah, it’s more than enough.”


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