You don't judge a person based on who they are today. Cause he might end up in the best way if God wants. But you must not forget that your path might be twisted (na'uzubillah) if God wants. So,lets try not to walk on earth with the feeling I am better than him. Cause we don't know. We don't know how the future will turn out to be. Remember, Allah is The Muqallibal Qulub. Stay humble and preach others with good manners. And lets pray and work hard so that Allah choose us to be among the Solihin. You know what, Islam is not about I am better than you. Islam is about: Let me show something,that is better for you. Ibn Abbas R.A once said, When you want to mention companion's faults, Remember your own faults. O Allah save my tounge from myself and light my zhon to stay in khoir. T.T
Dan janganlah kamu merasa lemah,dan jangan pula kamu bersedih hati,kerna kamu paling tinggi darjatnya,jika kamu orang2 yang beriman.. (al-IMRAN:139)